Welcome to my web site!
You may use this resource to keep up with what you and your classmates will be working on in computer science (see the Calendar menu).
For more information about the development environments you will be using in this course visit the pages under the Environments menu. The Resources menu provides
access to additional resources like the syllabi for the courses.
The primary focus of computer science is to solve problems. Computer scientists develop algorithms and software solutions that make our lives easier. The solutions to those
problems are used to develop new technologies that present new problems to be solved, the solutions of which further enhance our lives. Engineers and computer scientists work
hand-in-hand to advance human technological capabilities. Computer science encompasses the study of information, computation, investigation, and systematic problem solution.
Computer scientists are afforded the opportunity to work in any field they choose, from preschool music and movement to applied exobiology.
I look forward to having you in my class. I will do whatever I can to teach you, but you must do the learning. This is not a course in which you will be given a grade for
attendance, and it may not be the easiest course you will take, but it has high potential to be your most rewarding. The more effort you put into the course, the more rewarding it
will be. If you go beyond the basic requirements of the course and make use of any autodidactic skills you have acquired so far, you will be successful in this course and in life
itself. Don't focus on your path, but rather on the knowledge gained from the path. There is a large repository of information at your fingertips (the Internet), so use it wisely
and expand your knowledge and understanding of the universe in which you reside.
"The greatest teacher, failure is." - Yoda
If I do the work for you, you will learn very little about how to solve the problem. It is true, you may struggle with a solution for a while, but once the light bulb comes on, you will remember how you solved it, and you will feel an immense sense of accomplishment because you solved it yourself! One of the greatest experiences you will have is solving a problem after banging your head against the wall attempting to solve it for a few days, and then reaching that aha moment! This is a hands-on course, the dissemination of
knowledge will be achieved in a small amount through watching, listening, and reading, but the greatest portion will be communicated through doing!
To my students' parents/guardians.
If you are one of my students' parents or guardians you may use this resource to keep up with what your child is working on in computer science. Each of the pages have a Contact Me link in the bottom right corner that you may use to email me should you have any questions, concerns, or praises regarding your child.